*Water to maximum capacity and apply in the last 1/4 of the irrigation.
Teca®REGENERADOR is a product specifically designed to obtain an effective soil disinfection WITHOUT the use of PHYTOSANITARY PRODUCTS which convert it in a great green tool.
This product do not contain phytosanitary substances and is considered ZERO RESIDUE.
Highly indicate for its use during the biosolarization, biofumagation and solarization process as a disinfectant agent. In addition, after disinfection, it helps to regenerate the microflora and microfauna of the soil. It also improves soil`s physical and chemical properties.
Its exclusive formulation contains specialty selected plant origin natural extracts in a percentage higher than 80%. To sum up, the product contributes with extra nitrogen to the soil, which is easily absorbed and with biostimulant compounds, giving the soil all its need for the start of the season.