They are crops belonging to the Poaceae or Grasses family that are normally exploited in large areas and whose grains are characterized by their high carbohydrate content. Wheat, barley, or corn are an example.
For the production to be as expected, it is necessary to know very well the needs of each type of cereal, as well as the most suitable form and date to sow them. They have an annual vegetative cycle, so they are divided into winter cereals and summer cereals. Cereals, like other crops, need a land that provides them with the main macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium). The proper amount of compost will depend on the conditions in which the soil is.
Aspects to consider when choosing a fertilizer:
It is necessary to choose a product that includes nitric, that is, avoid ureic-ammoniacal or exclusively ureic products, which require transformation in the soil to be available to the plant.